National Target |
TARGET 6: By 2028, there will be a 5% increase in the proportion of green spaces in the five largest cities. |
National Target |
TARGET 5: By 2028, the population of migratory bird species identified in selected inland and coastal wetlands along the |
National Target |
TARGET 3: By 2028, there will be no net loss in presence and area distribution of live coral cover, mangroves, and seagr |
National Target |
TARGET 4: By 2028, over 50% of genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and wild relat |
National Target |
TARGET 2: By 2028, there will be no net loss in natural forest cover. |
National Target |
TARGET 1: By 2028, the conservation status of nationally and globally threatened species in the country from 2016 levels |